Kraj Sveta/Apocalypse


 APOCALIPSA 2012- End of the World

Top tema u svetu-Top Issues in the World -15.07 2010

Apocalypse 2012 yes or no?
Ljubica precognition:
-I am absolutely sure that there will be NOT destruction of our Planet until 2024 year.
Ljubicino vidjenje-
Ja sam apsolutno sigurna da do 2024 godine nece biti propasti nase planete.
Apokalipse u 2012 godini NECE biti.
12.03 2012 Dokaz Ljubicinog vidjenja
NASA razbija 5 mitova o proročanstvu Maja !
NASA breaks 5 Myths about Mayan prophecy !

01.7 2012.
Moje vidjenje propasti nase Planete Zemlje.Velika opasnost su klimatske promene, kao i one koje dolaze iz Svemira.. sve ce to uticati na nase planetu.
Pre velikih poplava i hladjenja, zamrzavanja o kojima se veoma mnogo pise, ja vidim DRUGACIJE !!!


Ali kada ce to biti u buducnosti ,, sada ne znam,, nije uskoro ,, a kada budem znala , sigurno cu napisati.. jer mi se jos ne prikazuje tako strasan period za sva bica na nasoj Planeti.

01.7 2012.
How I see the future of the Earth: Climate changes represent the highest threat to our planet, as well as different threats from the space. All these would have a huge influence on our planet.
You could find a lot of precognitions on big floods and global cooling, but my visions are DIFFERENT!!!

What I see are big FIRES!!!!

When it exactly will be in the future, I cannot say yet. It won’t be soon…. When I see the precise time, I will share it with you for sure. Now I can’t tell more.